Celebrating Two Years – Lastolite Reflector Giveaway

image from B&H Photo

This week I am giving away a few things I feel are either very essential to photography or just plain fun. Today’s giveaway is for something I strongly believe should be in every photographer’s closet/car – a reflector.

Why use a reflector? They help reflect light back on to your subject, fill in shadows, filter out strong sunlight and more. I adore my reflectors, and recently bought one that I can’t believe I’ve managed without so long.

When I went to the Flash Bus workshop last year, they showed us the Lastolite reflectorthat you can hold with one hand and manipulate in different positions. At first I was like “oh, that’s great, but it’s too expensive.” However, now that I have it, I can honestly say it really is worth the money (the set I’m giving away is $115).

In addition to being super user friendly with the handle that allows you to hold the reflector out, up, down, every which way, it comes with several covers thatΒ  you can put on it to create different temperature or intensity of light, and the base is a filter.

I have sick children, a private in-person workshop and upcoming trip to Chicago, so I don’t have time to do a demo of how to use it, but I will come back later and do another post on it.

In the meantime, how about I give one away?

To enter to win the Lastolite 30′ 8-1 reflector set, simply tell me where you are right now when entering (like on the couch at home, at the office, in the grocery store on my iPhone, etc.).

  • One entry per person
  • Giveaway ends Friday, June 1st at 11:00 PM EST
  • Winning comment will be selected via Random.org
  • Winner has one week to respond to my email, after which I will select another winner

Links to the Lastolite reflector are Amazon affiliate links. I earn 3%Β  on purchases made through the link, which help me pay for the giveaways I provide at EE.

About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. Pamela Johnstone says:

    I’m in the middle of breakfast & making kids lunches. A usually frantic time when I somehow manage a few minutes on my iPhone!

  2. Sitting at my desk at home checking Facebook after a day of errands. πŸ™‚

  3. Malerie Veillon says:

    I’m at home getting ready to continue studying. Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. I’m sitting in my rocking chair in the family room. Thank you.

  5. Sitting at my computer chair editing photos, where else would I be?

  6. Sitting on the downstairs computer… about to run upstairs and feed the baby! πŸ™‚

  7. Jessica Smith says:

    I’m sitting in a glider chair in my living room. Sneaking in a little laptop time while the kiddos play πŸ˜‰

  8. Maureen Nichols says:

    Sitting at the computer – just seeing what others are doing. Looks like a great give away – thanks!

  9. Laptop on my dining room table πŸ™‚

  10. Hi Amanda. I am at home with my laptop checking emails.

  11. At my desk having my first coffee for the morning. I’m in Australia, not sure if I qualify to enter but I’ll give it a go. Love your site as I’m completely new to elements (never used it ever) and finding it so helpful. Thanks Amanda.

  12. Sitting on my couch with my itouch after dinner. Thinking this would be great to win! πŸ™‚

  13. Kim Reed says:

    Sitting on the couch catching up before getting down to work

  14. Right now I’m sitting in my big green chair reading my Facebook newsfeed thinking about getting dinner πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize.

  15. cassie potter says:

    laying on the bed on my laptop resting.

  16. I’m sitting on my couch watching the weather channel, a huge storm front is coming through…keeping my fingers crossed that we don’t lose power, so I can sit in on tonights webinar. These reflectors are on my wish list. Thanks for being so generous and Happy Birthday EE!!!

  17. Valerie S. says:

    Sitting on my couch trying to think up ideas for my first family photo shoot this weekend! Thanks for the opportunity!

  18. Home, eating dinner, watching the news.

  19. I am sitting at the computer in our computer room (used to be [uu2b] the boys’ bedroom). I am currently using a fold-up clothes hamper with a white, somewhat reflective bottom.

  20. I’m sitting on my couch, very excited that I can see everything on your blog, and hoping I win the giveaway! πŸ™‚

  21. Tennille Flanagan says:

    It is sooo quiet here. Child free day today. Hoping it does not matter that I am in Australia and hope I get the chance to win!

  22. deb martin says:

    I am sitting in my glider with my laptop in my lap…ty

  23. I am at my desk at home. What a cool product!

  24. Andrea G says:

    At my house, in the recliner with the laptop and an upset toddler in my lap

  25. I am sitting on my couch and relaxing after a long day πŸ™‚

  26. Lillian D. says:

    I’m sitting on my bed editing my photos as I watch T.V. is my way to relax.

  27. Lori Hershey says:

    Sitting at my computer eating watermelon and editing a photo montage for my nephew’s graduation announcement. πŸ™‚

  28. Jeannie Denney says:

    Sitting in the couch, holding a feverish preschooler. πŸ™

  29. Scottye Bryant says:

    I am sitting at my iMac editing photos I took today while picking Chilton County (Alabama) peaches with my granddaughter. I would love to win. It would be awesome. πŸ™‚

  30. Christy Hoyt says:

    I am sitting on my couch just catching up on fb.

  31. Donna V says:

    I’m in my home office/studio for some relaxing online reading and browsing after a long day. Thanks for the chance to win the reflector. It looks amazing. If I win I will happily retire the big piece of foam core that has been serving as my reflector.

  32. Tonya B says:

    Sitting in heaven aka my couch with my feet up, kids are sleeping, watching tv & typing this on my laptop. Most important, the house is QUIET!

  33. In my soft bed with my laptop with the windows up listening to this wonderful rain.

  34. I am at my desk!

  35. Jennifer aka Mommy To Bear Cub says:

    I’m sitting on the edge of my bed uploading pics to Lightroom. The house is quiet and the baby is in bed. This reflector looks awesome. Congrats to whoever wins. πŸ™‚

  36. In my bed!

  37. Marilyn says:

    I’m just back from a walk around the neighborhood and sitting at my computer desk to catch up on reading, photo editing, and letter writing. What an awesome giveaway!

  38. I am listening to you on the webinar about lightroom. Great information by the way!

  39. I am at my kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee looking out the window at a gentle rain.

  40. shally arroyo says:

    I’m just finishing watching your webinar.

  41. Keri M. says:

    On the couch in my iPhone.

  42. In bed with my laptop!

  43. I am on my laptop upstairs in my parents guest bedroom snuggling with two of my three sleeping kids. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  44. On the computer avoiding doing report cards! πŸ™‚

  45. Vicky Bryan says:

    Sitting in my hotel room in Amarillo, TX after a long day of work checking Facebook and talking to my hubby! πŸ™‚

  46. Lisa Dolezal says:

    I’m RVing through Texas with my hubby. Editing photos from our vacation with your actions πŸ™‚

  47. I’m on the couch nursing my little one and editing some photos from my weekends sessions.

  48. I am winding down after a long day; sitting on my bed and catching up on my favorite blogs :). Great giveaway!

  49. On the couch, I just finished listening to some of your webinar. I didn’t catch it all but I will tomorrow night!!

  50. Erin S. says:

    I’m in front of my computer editing photos and creating watermarks via a technique I learned from your site!

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