Save Time With the EyeFi Card {and a giveaway}

Remember my post on Monday about my daughter’s pictures? I mentioned the new Eye-Fi card that is in her camera and how convenient it is for me now to upload her pictures – because I don’t have to do it all anymore! Thanks to the wonderful Eye-Fi card, they download automatically via the wi-fi network at our house.

The Eye-Fi card is simply an SD card that has built in wi-fi capabilities. So, once you go through the set-up procedures, and put the card in your camera, all the pictures you take will load to your computer once you are with-in a certain range of it.

Here are a few things you need to know about the Eye-Fi card:

  • Your camera needs to be ON in order to upload
  • Some cameras may need to be turned to the preview mode to allow the upload to begin
  • Only JPGs and movies can be uploaded, not raw files
  • You need to turn OFF the automatic shut-down mode so that your camera will not close down mid-upload
  • They only offer SD cards right now, no Compact Flash (CF) cards
  • The cards are available in 4GB and 8GB sizes

After you take your pictures, they upload to the Eye-Fi Center, which was installed on your hard drive during the card set up process. You can publish picture to online sites like Flickr and Facebook directly from there, although you know I really don’t recommend that.

If you have multiple cards, as I do, you can see what each card has uploaded, with the pictures being separated into folders by the date the images were taken.

The Eye-Fi folder is set up in your Pictures folder (or should be put there). I import the images to Organizer and/or Lightroom and let the files rest in the Eye-Fi folder. In the future if I want those images in my 2012 folder, I will move them via Lightroom, but for now I’m fine with them staying to the Eye-Fi folder.

Below is an example of my screen while importing into Organizer.

Next is my screen during the import into Lightroom.

Below is a not-so-short video showing the Eye-Fi card in use, from taking the picture, uploading, then importing to Lightroom. If you want to be able to visualize how it works, this will be a big help. Make sure to move down further because the giveaway is next!


Because I think these little cards are very nifty and time saving, I am giving away two 4GB Eye-Fi cards this weekend!


To enter leave a comment telling me if you do or don’t own a reflector (photography). Yes, I’m thinking about doing a giveaway for one of those and want to see how many do/don’t own them.

  • One entry per person
  • Giveaway ends at 11:00 PM EST on Monday, May 21st
  • Two winning comment numbers will be drawn via
  • Winners have seven days to respond to my email, after which alternate winner(s) will be selected

Winning numbers were 21 and 82, and those comments were left by Chelsea and Lauren. Congratulations, ladies!!

In case you are curious – I was not given any Eye-Fi cards to review, I was not paid to do this review or giveaway, and the cards for the giveaway will be purchased by me, Amanda Padgett.

All links to Amazon are affiliate links, which means I earn 3% of purchases made through those links. I do that to help me cover the costs of items I provide for giveaways.

About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. I read your post about your daughter’s camera and pictures! She did an awesome job, and i would love to get my boys interested in taking pictures. I would love to win and try out an eye-fi card! I have car shades as reflectors that i rarely use. Maybe i am a lazy photog but i honestly find that the more props or accessories i try to implement, the more distracted i get.

  2. Julia carlin says:

    I don’t have a real reflector. I’ve used foil on cardboard when photographing my glass beads.

  3. Lee Ann Markham says:

    I have a small disc reflector that works for face shotsbut thats about it. Thanks!

  4. Carolyn says:

    I’m pretty much a newbie. I don’t have a reflector and I don’t even have a DSLR – just my Canon G12 (as in the picture). This sounds like a nifty thingamabob.

  5. Todd Thompson says:

    Nope, never had one. I have never really needed one with the sports stuff I shoot, but as I branch out more I think its a no-brainer. Gotta get one!

  6. I do have a reflector.

  7. Cat Craig says:

    No reflector. Love your posts. Always somethingnew to earn.

  8. I do have a reflector, and love it when I remember to bring it with me!

  9. Sally S. says:

    Yes, I have a reflector (when I remember to bring it :))

  10. Laura S. says:

    I do not own a reflector.

  11. I own 2 reflectors. One is white, and the other is interchangeable one of silver, gold, white, black, and silver and gold that came with my Interfit reflector holder.

  12. Debbie D says:

    I don’t have a reflector!

  13. Colleen says:

    Amanda, no I do not own a reflector, but it seems like I should look into maybe purchasing one in the future. This is new to me, but always willing to learn more. Thanks for the chance to win one of the nifty Eye-Fi cards!

  14. No, I don’t have a reflector.

  15. I don’t have a reflector!

  16. Yes I do have a 5-in-1 reflector.

  17. Yes, I own a reflector.

  18. Malerie Veillon says:

    Yes, I own a reflector. Thank you for this giveaway! Your tutorials are so helpful!

  19. I don’t! Dang it! 🙂

  20. Krystal says:

    I do not own a reflector. But, do have it on my wishlist!

  21. I have a reflector, but i haven’t used it regularly (I need the push!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. I do not have a reflector. I have used a homemade one.

  23. Shelley says:

    I do not have a reflector. Love all your tutorials!

  24. I do have a reflector but do not have a stand, so I don’t get much opportunity to use it. 🙁

  25. No Amanda I do not have a reflector. I’ve just gotten up the courage to go off “automatic”.

  26. I don’t own a reflector.

  27. Kathleen says:

    I do not own a reflector :). So glad I found your blog … I learn something new every time I visit!

  28. Lillian Dunnie says:

    I’m so happy to know that finally there’s a wireless SD card. I’ve always wondered if any company would come up with the idea of making one. Thanks for presenting this item. Your blog is awesome!
    My answer to your question is : No I do not own a reflector.

  29. Catherine Harper says:

    Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. Transferring the photos is probably what I like least about the whole workflow experience. Doing it via wifi would be a super convenience! I do not have a reflector but would like to learn more about using one.

  30. Kim Peterson says:

    Yes, I do own reflectors! Thanks for all you do for us aspiring photogs! 🙂

  31. Patsy Lander says:

    I do have a reflector…it is rather large and I really am wanting a smaller one to take when I am mobile!

  32. Love this card idea!! I do not have a reflector as I rarely, if ever, have someone that can come help me. Plus I shoot lots of kids (that sounded bad…lol!) and I think I would miss tons of pics worrying about those! 🙂

  33. Jamie Carollo says:

    I do not have a reflector. I’ve been looking into getting one though 😉

  34. I do not have a reflector…but have told myself I was going to get one… Actually, there’s a lot of photography equipment I’d love to get!

  35. No reflector yet — working on adding new tools to my gear bag 🙂

  36. I do not have a reflector. Still trying to figure out how to use my camera properly! The eye-fi card looks nifty and I’ve often thought of purchasing one.

  37. I do own a reflector. Just need to learn how to use it!

  38. Teresa S. says:

    I keep telling hubby I need a reflector, just haven’t picked one yet.

  39. Stephanie W says:

    I do not have a reflector…yet! I’ve just recently gotten into the more advanced photography and I’m soaking up all the information! I hope to own my own studio someday!

  40. Charlotte says:

    I do own a set of 5 in 1 reflectors..need to learn to use them though!! The Eye-fi card looks awesome and would be a great accessory to have!!!

  41. I do not own any reflectors

  42. I do not own a reflector but have borrowed one when needed.

  43. LaurieJ says:

    No, never have had a reflector. Also never have heard of this eye fi, but looks like a great little gadget.

  44. Elaine s says:

    I do own a reflector but have yet to use it.

  45. These sound wonderful! My husband and I are becoming addicted to photography and don’t have a reflector yet.

  46. I do have a reflector but it’s pretty small and limited in use… Love the Eye-Fi cards.

  47. Cherie C says:

    No, I do not have a reflector. So glad to hear there is a wireless SD card! =)

  48. Webby Hoyt says:

    Would like to win a Eye-Fi card so maybe I would have a few less cords hanging around. I don’t think I have a reflector. I have a tent thing that came with lights to diffuse (something like that) light when I am taking pictures of my work.
    Thank you.

  49. Christine Doggett says:

    I do not have reflector, I keep thinking I should get one and try it but never get around to it….like so many things around my house…

  50. Jennifer Holmes says:

    I have the reflector I won at your workshop and then I purchased a larger one to use with larger groups. (I seem to know lots of families with 4 or more children!). Love them!

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