Use Joliprint to Print Tutorials

I shared about this a long while ago, but thought it could use a refresher.

Hopefully you have come across a tutorials here at EE that you know are things you want to work on later. Most readers usually bookmark or pin them on Pinterest. But what if you want something on paper, something beside you as you work or refer to later?

A wonderful tool/plug-in you can use is Joliprint, a free plugin that can be installed on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and even on iPads and iPhones. I personally use it when I come across a Facebook or WordPress tutorial that I want to follow; I simply use the Joliprint plug-in to print the post as a PDF.

To get Joliprint, to to the site then click on the ‘Install Now’ button. Find the instructions for the browser you use and follow the directions. For Firefox (my favorite browser), all I had to do was click on the button and drag it to my toolbar. Simple as that.

Once the plug-in is in your tool bar, when you come across a post you want to print, first make sure you’re in the actual post, not just the site’s home page. When you are on the post, click the Joliprint button in your tool bar and choose the option you want. I always choose to download as a PDF.

I know there are other handy print plug-ins but this is one that I’ve used for several years. I hope you find it as useful as I have.

About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. Phyllis says:

    Thank you, Amanda! I have hundreds of bookmarks and none of them are organized. This will hopefully simplify and organize all the articles I’ve been “bookmarking”
    all these years 🙂

  2. Wow! Thanks so much for posting this. Just the other day I was trying to rack my brain to figure out how to save these tutorials in a pdf format! This is so great. Now I can save them to read on my tablet later.

  3. Melinda T says:

    Love this! This will make it easy for me to use o my ipad! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Brenda D says:

    I was wondering if there was a better way to get the tutorials you give us and Ta Da, you provide an answer. Thanks so much!

  5. This is awesome! Thank you for sharing Amanda!

  6. I have enjoyed using jolliprint for some time. I don’t usually print them, but I get the journal in my email inbox and open it up on my iPad on ibooks.


  1. […] Use Joliprint to Print Tutorials – 1 freebie(s)? […]

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