Moving Forward Monday – Life Trials

The button I made above is kind of laughable, I know. I am not a graphic designer and that was the best I could do this morning. When I can, I will have Kim at Madilu Designs whip up some more files for me. In the mean time I have to just do my best, which so isn’t good enough. LOL

Alright, on to more serious matters. Many of you have already figured out via my Facebook absence that something went amiss last week. That is an understatement, to be sure. My husband and I had to face one of the hardest things we have come up against since the loss of our third baby mid-pregnancy. I will not go into what happened, but know that my heart was extremely heavy and I am still recovering.

But, I want to say that in the midst of turmoil last week, two dear ladies who have become friends via the workshops, stepped up and helped watch over Everyday Element’s fan page and answer questions for those in need. Angela and Debra were and still are a God send.

Now, on a lighter note,  I am sharing an old picture of mine just because I love it, in fact it is one of my all time favorites. I hope to get it printed soon, but for now it is just the wall paper on my iTouch. 🙂 I am going to re-edit it and then offer it as a free download to print for those who might like it too.


About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. Thoughts and prayers are with you…

  2. Amanda,

    My prayers and best wishes are with you. Life can be very difficult sometimes.


  3. Oh, friend, I am so sorry for not picking up on something being wrong. My heart and prayers are with you.

  4. Still praying for comfort and peace.

  5. I’m gonna bookmark this one for sure, thanks!

  6. Sending lots of prayers, happy thoughts & hugs your way.

  7. Amanda, I love this shot too….it’s not only beautiful, but the composition is fantastic! You rock my friend! Sending lots of love and hugs to you, as well as my prayers! Warmly, Debra

  8. ЎUf, me gustу! Tan clara y positiva.


  9. My thoughts are with you. I hope it all works out ok and your spirits improve. Life can be so difficult sometimes. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo.

  10. You will be in my thoughts I am sure the supreme Architect of the Universe will look with compassion and grant you warm happiness.

  11. Praying for you and your family! <3

  12. My prayers are with you and your famly. ♥

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