It’s Been a Long, Long Time

Two and a half years – that’s how long it has been since I posted last. Why? What happened to me? Why did I disappear and where did I go? My life was getting more hectic by the month, with homeschooling four kids, and I couldn’t keep up with Everyday Elements. So, it was sold […]

A New Year With New Goals

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends and family over the holidays. For us it was peaceful. That sounds trite and simplistic, but for us peaceful was a blessing and a breath of fresh air.   Now it is 2014 now and time for some new goals for Everyday Elements. This site has […]

It’s been a whole year already!

written by Beckie of I was just looking at the calendar this morning, and realized I have been writing for Everyday Elements for an entire year already (March 14, 2012 was my first post)! Wow how quickly the time has flown by! Through Everyday Elements, I have learned new things, traveled new places, and […]

The importance of networking!

written by Beckie of What is networking? It’s not just about social media (though that plays a big part in networking). I’m talking about getting out there and meeting up with people who do what you do! Stepping outside of your comfort zone, and introducing yourself to others. It has the potential to create […]

Website Update and Problem to Fix

New Checkout Cart This past weekend I installed a new plug-in that would allow for a more streamlined checkout process, and allow customers to access their past purchases. About 30 people have tested it for me and the reviews are all very positive. A few kinks to work out here and there, but overall it […]