Will I Survive??

Moving Forward Monday

What better way to start my first personal blog post here than by talking about the child that keeps my life interesting! Nate. Yep, I am sharing his name with the world. Why?  I figured the prayers you say for him and me might be more powerful if you could call him by name. YES, I need prayers!! 🙂

Capital T trouble!

Gosh, what hasn’t this child done in his almost five short years? Honestly I don’t want to list it out for fear that someone call child protective services on us. Laugh, but true. But, really, what we need is parent protective services! We need someone to rescue us from him!

No, no. We love him dearly and Lord knows we have tried to keep the little tyke safe, he just keeps thwarting us.

If you are reading this and wondering why I am sharing this:


Unbelievable, right? Well, it happened. A week ago he managed to sink a Ford F350, dual wheeled, four wheel drive, king cab truck into a river. It was off, it was in park, it had the emergency break on and he was buckled up. Long story short, he didn’t stay put while my hubby ran to get the boat pulled up onto the trailer and with the emergency break still on and the truck still off, Nate managed to pull the gear from park to neutral (yes, bad dh left keys in truck).

My husband dove off the boat to get to the floating truck and he pulled our son, who cannot yet swim, out through a window that was down, before the truck sank 20 feet down. It took rescue personnel three hours to get it back out and yes, the truck is totaled.

We have recovered mentally and emotionally from the ordeal, but it will be some time before we know the financial impact.

This is just another story in my long book I will write about him one day.

Picture Info: Nikon D90, Nikon 60mm f2.8 lens
ISO 640, f4, SS 1/160
Post Processing: PSE 8, Deep Clean to get a clean edit, then ran Mesa and added three Florabella textures.

About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. Love the new blog Amanda! The idea of combining everything into one makes perfect sense, not only for you, but for me!

    I read about Nate a couple of weeks ago when you told the story on FB. Prayers being lifted for ya!

    Have a blessed day!

    • Thank you, Scott! Yes, I think many people are relieved, especially me! LOL

      Thank you for the prayers, we need them! My sister say he is destined for something great because he is surviving so many close calls.

  2. Amanda, I am sitting here shaking reading about Nate and the truck! Oh my goodness gracious, how scary! I just jumped up and loved on my Little Buddy. Things happen so quickly. Every moment is such a blessing and a gift.

    Hugs to you and your family!

  3. Oh, MY!!! You seem extremely calm. Glad your boy is ok.

  4. Wow!

  5. Amanda,

    What an ordeal…so glad it had a happy ending.
    Thanks for the tutorials. They are very educational and answer some of the questions that I have had. Especially the one on getting the skin color right and the one on levels.


  6. Yikes! That was really lucky. Glad he is fine and you can talk about it now. Children ARE amazing.

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