A Birthday Celebration

Welcome to the celebration of the 11th anniversary of my 29th birthday!

I cannot, cannot, believe I am 40!

It seems like yesterday I was 22. Where did the last 18 years go?

Do not worry, this isn’t going to be a pity party. I am happy to be turning 40 because, well, the alternative isn’t exactly what I want either.

I am healthy, I have four healthy children, a loving husband and two amazing sisters and lots of wonderful friends. I am thankful to be having another birthday.

I thought for this little party I’d first provide some trivia(l) facts about myself, which you might not find interesting.

  • My family was like the book North and South: my mom from Michigan and my dad from South Carolina (the families did NOT mix well)
  • My birth place was Kalamazoo, Michigan (many do not realize that it is a real place)
  • My mom went into labor on the night of her due date, but had me the next morning and I did the EXACT same thing with my first baby, isn’t that neat?
  • Before I turned five I had lived in four different places (Michigan, Georgia, Germany and South Carolina)
  • I grew up as Mandy, and actually didn’t switch to Amanda until after I graduated from college

Throughout my childhood, my mother took wonderful pictures of our family with her Pentax SLR and I always thought “one day I’ll learn to take pictures like her.” She died when I was 21, then my dad died when I was 37, and I decided I couldn’t wait any longer to fulfill that dream. I am glad I didn’t wait any longer.

Okay, enough reminiscing and on to the celebration!!! (Have to add this – I spelled reminiscing correctly the first time – I impressed myself!)

Today is 11/11/11, so we are celebrating that unique 40th birthday date by having six prizes, to reflect the six ones.

There will be SIX winners – one prize for each winner!
To enter the giveaway simply leave a comment on this blog post telling me who was president when you were born. GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED
  • One entry per person
  • Giveaway ends Sunday, November 13th at 11 PM EST CLOSED
  • Winners have 7 days to respond, after which the prize will be given to another entry
  • Winners will be chosen via Random.org

Giveaway was closed at 11:00 PM EST. Entries made after that were not included (sorry I have to follow my own rules). The comment numbers chosen via Random.org were:

102 203 115 417 51 158

  • Pretty Presets gift goes to comment #102 made by Jayne
  • Fototale Designs gift goes to comment #203 made by Dena
  • The Modern Knot gift goes to comment #115 made by Shirley LaMay
  • Isabelle LaFrance gift goes to comment #417 made by Courtney
  • My Funky Camera gift goes to comment #51 made by Dawn
  • Everyday Elements gift goes to comment #158 made by Ellie (who’s bday is TODAY!!)

I want to thank Pretty Presets, Fotatale Designs, The Modern Knot, Isabelle LaFrance and My Funky Camera for being so generous with their prizes and helping me celebrate my birthday like this! Please take time to go to each of their sites and look around, they are all talented and provide wonderful products!

I am down with a bad cold right now, so I may choose to celebrate again when I’m feeling better, so watch out for an email from me and keep on eye on the Facebook page. I have some fun things in mind.



Pretty Presets

A $50 gift card to Pretty Presets


Fototale Designs

$50 gift card to Fototale Designs


The Modern Knot

$25 gift card toΒ  The Modern Knot


Isabelle LaFrance Photography

A $50 product bundle from Isabelle LaFrance


My Funky Camera

$25 gift certificate for a wrist strap from My Funky Camera

Β ********************************************************

Everyday Elements

$50 gift card for anything at Everyday Elements


About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. Wow! It looks like I am the oldest one yet. I was born in 1967. President Lyndon B. Johnson was president then.

  2. Ford had just barely became President when I was born, that I actually had to google search because I knew it was close around the time I was born. Thanks for making me have a little history lesson!

  3. Anna Dobrenski says:

    Lyndon B Johnson was president when I was born. Happy birthday Amanda!

  4. Oh boy…this is going to make me sound REALLY old….Dwight D Eisenhower was president when I was born! Happy Birthday, Amanda and glad your feeling better!!!

  5. Harry S. Truman was President when I was born in 1952. That is old!! Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected that year and took office in January 1953. I feel like I am 49 instead of 59:)

  6. I was born in 1980 and Jimmy Carter was President!

  7. Hi there! I just found this website through google+. I’m a longtime Elements user and am always on the lookout for interesting websites that help me do more with that awesome program. I think I just found one! Anyway, happy birthday and I’m totally embarrassed to say that Dwight D. Eisenhower was president when I was born. I CANNOT be that old!

  8. Don’t know if I can enter as I’m from Belgium, but Lyndon B. Johnson was president in the U.S. at the time of my birth. In Belgium our prime minister was ThΓ©o LefΓ¨vre.

  9. Gerald Ford was President when I was born!

  10. Lisa Furie says:

    Richard Nixon. Happy Birthday!!!

  11. Heather Miller says:

    Ronald Reagan was president when I was born in 1984! Happy Birthday!

  12. Ronald Regan!!! Happy Happy Birthday! Love this blog!!!

  13. Dena Brender says:

    Gerald Ford, 1975. Happy Birthday!!

  14. Carter was president when I was born. He had just started his term.

  15. Happy Birthday Amanda! Loved the trivia about your family! NOT trivial at all πŸ˜‰
    I was born in 1981 and Reagan had just taken office that January!

  16. Crysta Walker says:

    When I was born, Ronald Regan was president! πŸ™‚

  17. Rita Robertson says:

    I’m proud to say I’m another of those to have been born (1960) while Dwight D Eisenhower was president! When he died, my mom took us to see the train carrying his body go through our town, something I will always remember! Happy Birthday!!

  18. Apparently I am not the first to say that Dwight Eisenhower was president while I was born (1959) πŸ˜‰ Happy birthday to you Amanda !!!

  19. Jessie Kay says:

    Carter was president when I was born : )

  20. Hi Amanda!! Isn’t November the 11th THE BEST day for your birthday!? No school every year as a child! It totally rocked! I know because it’s my birthday too! It’s even my 40th! πŸ™‚
    So as you know, Richard Nixon was president when we were born!
    Happy Birthday! And thanks for the chance to win!

  21. I was born a few months before JFK’s election so Eisenhower was still president! Thanks for the chance to win & happy birthday!

  22. jimmy carter

  23. Nixon was president when I was born. Seems this must be the year for many of us to have our 11th 29th bday. I joked I wanted to forget the big day this year however I was joking but sure enough everyone except my family forgot therefore I guess I am still 39 πŸ™‚ have a great bday!

  24. Jennifer C says:

    Happy Birthday and thanks for the generous giveaway!!! Nixon was President when I was born.

  25. Happy 11th anniversary of your 29th Birthday! Ronald Reagan was the president when I was born.

  26. Hi Amanda! Happy birthday! You’re a November baby too? My birthday was on November 9th πŸ™‚ This is my first time visiting your site! Lucky me, I get to enter your awesome giveaway.

    Richard Nixon won the election four days prior to the day I was born.

  27. Dwight D. Eisenhower (oh gosh that was a long time ago). Happy Birthday!!

  28. Marion Niewald says:

    Richard Nixon (also known as Tricky Dick) was president! πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday, Hope you had a great one. !!!

  29. Mr. Ronald Reagan was president in 1982! Wishing you a wonderful birthday {despite feeling under the weather} weekend filled with lots of joy and lasting memories. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the giveaway! ~Cathy

  30. Donna Caldwell says:

    Franklin D Roosevelt Dec 8, 1937

  31. Happy belated Birthday!!! I was born in 1982 so Reagan was President.

  32. George W. Bush! Hope you had a great bday!

  33. Kristina G says:

    Iwas born in 1981 in Russia and Mr.Gorbochev was a president of USSR (that time Russia was a part of soviet Union that does not exist anymore) .And the president od the USA was Ronald Reagan

  34. Jimmy Carter was president when the year I was born!

  35. Jeez…had to google it!!! 1975-Gerald Ford! Happy belated birthday Amanda!

  36. President Nixon was president when I was born…I wish it was still Kennedy.

  37. Richard Nixon was President when I was born. Happy Birthday!

  38. I was born in November 1971 and Nixon was president. Happy 40th birthday to both of us! πŸ˜€ Thanks for the chance.

  39. Sonya Poole says:

    Lyndon B. Johnson, January 1968.

  40. Dwight D. Eisenhower was President of the United States in 1953.
    Happy Birthday Amanda!! 40 is a GREAT age!!

  41. Shirley Tyldesley says:

    Harry S Truman was president when I was born, January 1946. Happy belated Birthday Amanda!

  42. Meagan Thompson says:

    Regan was president!

  43. Denise Young says:

    The president in 1955 was Eisenhower. So very long ago!

  44. Harry S. Truman was President in 1948. I was also born in Michigan 2 months early on an elevator. Temperature outside was 28 degrees below zero and two doctors on call never made it to the hospital because their cars would not start.

    Live it up Amanda, it ’tis your day!

  45. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Gerald Ford had just become president a few days before I was born!

  46. Happy Birthday Amanda!
    Hmmm – aging myself here when I say Eisenhower!
    xo Cathy

  47. Lyndon Johnson

  48. Ronald Reagan was president when I was born in 1986. (P.S. Happy Birthday!)

  49. I hit forty on Tuesday! I am of the Nixon era.

  50. Richard Nixon was President – and John Gorton passed over to Gough Whitlam in Australia (where I’m from). Happy 40th – it all gets better from here!

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