Photography Weekend Retreat in Savannah

This past weekend I went on a photography retreat in Savannah, Georgia. It was coordinated for GA, SC, NC moms that were members at Clickin Moms.

Back during the summer, a bunch of us decided to try to schedule a “meet-up” and one of the members, Jill Jarvis, put together a weekend that blew all of us away! She found a gorgeous loft for the out-of-towners to rent and with the help of one of the local moms, got subjects lined up for us to do photo shoots.

I was one of the few non-professional photographers there, so I mostly kept back and watched and listened. And, honestly, I had more fun shooting behind the scene shots than taking pictures of the subjects. 😉

Loft just 30 minutes after arriving on Friday.

First shoot was of a family (of one of our group members).

Evening shoot with an engage couple. We were COLD!

Prepping for twin infant shoot (in downstairs area).

Jill trying to get the babies soothed enough to snap some shots.

Getting a shot of twins with daddy.

Surprisingly, Nikon dominated the camera category: six Nikons and four Canons. However, Macs ruled the computer category. Of the laptops brought all but one were Mac. I have no laptop, but when I do get another one, it will be PC, so actually the count would have been 8 Macs, 2 PCs.

Line of laptops, looking through pics from the shoots.

Chatting before going out to eat on last night of the trip.

Group shot, but missing one of the moms, who left early.

Jill is in the process of doing some preplanning for another retreat next January and you can bet I will be there! It may change location, but as long as it is within a day’s drive, I would not miss it for anything!!

A little/big side note: I had a bit of an emergency last week that put my trip in jeopardy….my Nikon D90 focus quit working! I had been having trouble for a long time, but kept thinking it was me and not the camera. Well, it got to the point where I couldn’t focus on a face if I was further than three feet away, no matter the aperture I used. So, I packed it up and sent it back to Nikon for service. That was Tuesday and I was to leave on Friday….with no camera. 🙁

So, what did I do? I bought a camera! ACK! Yep, went to B&H Photo, bought a camera and paid for faster shipping (thank you, Bill Me Later, and IRS, please give us a big refund). Received it Thursday afternoon and left Friday morning for the retreat. Can you guess what I bought? Veteran Nikon users will probably figure it out from the shots above.

About Amanda

I am passionate about helping others learn how to use their DSLR cameras and editing programs. More information about me can be found at my About page, or by visiting my personal blog.


  1. I suggest an Everyday Elements retreat like this. I would go (Hand Waving Wildly in the Air).

  2. This looks like a fabulous weekend! I live in SC, but a Clickin’ Moms subscription isn’t in the budget. 🙁 Could I somehow participate in the next weekend?

  3. please tell me you got the d7000…..oh do fill me in 🙂 sooooo jealous!!! hey wait..does b&h have them in stock?????

  4. How fun! I’m in Jacksonville…not too far & a clickinmom too 🙂

  5. If I had remembered my laptop, then there would have been THREE PC’s there! 🙂 Had so much fun, your pictures are awesome… wish I’d taken more of us hanging out!

  6. So, is it D7000 or D700?

  7. I love your shots of the group from behind. Seeing all of the surroundings is awesome! BTW…I’m totally crushing on your 24 mm!

  8. Im guessing D700 since you probably didn’t want the kit lenses that would have come with the D7000.

  9. Wow. This looks like a fabulous and fun retreat!

  10. You bought the D7000 because the kit lens is really cool!

  11. Love the pictures. I am soooo happy for you that you went to a wonderful getaway like that. Good for you, and the other ladies, too!

  12. Wow, Amanda!!!!!! What a fun trip!!! Great pics! If life is going good for me next year I might be interested in joining you guys if there’s room:)

  13. Oh I am drooling right now !~! You got the d700 .. my DREAM camera !!
    Have fun !

    • Rhonda, yep, it’s the D700. I keep pinching myself; it’s too good to be true.

      Honestly, I don’t see any great improvement over the D90 for outdoor shots, but for inside, what I can do at high ISO is awesome. However, the D7000 is said to be as good or better at low light shots than the D700.

      Now, when it comes to making the most of my lenses,the D700 is fantabulous!!! I am head over heals for my 24mm now, but on the D90 it was so-so.

  14. Oh Amanda 🙂 Looks like you got yourself a D700 from all those wide wide shots! I’m so happy for you! Can’t wait to see what you do with it. Hope you had an amazing weekend..

    • Laura, you win the prize!! I figured someone would notice the wide shots and know it was a full frame camera.

      I did have an amazing weekend. So sad it is over.

  15. I was wrong-full frame-love it!

  16. Great photos and congrats on the new camera!!!

  17. Amanda, I would LOVE to participate this summer since we are so close. Please keep me posted.

    Congrats on the D700!! I ended up getting the Canon 60D and am learning to like it. I should have stuck with Nikon.


  18. this looks like an awesome time and your shots are BEAUTIFUL!!!! glad you were able to get a camera before going!


  19. Katherine says:

    Awesome Amanda! Now I have to beg you to have a mentoring workshop or just an private mentoring session I would pay anything. You are the most helpful person I have run into this profession and I can’t truly say enough wonderful things about you. Good for you that you got yourself a new camera you work hard you deserve it. Happy to see you had a wonderful retreat.

  20. these are great Amanda! I loved meeting you this weekend and I had so much fun talking to you. We need to get together in Columbia soon!

  21. SO excited for you!!! I know you are loving that new camera!!! Looking forward to the photog class~ can’t get here fast enough!!! LOVE every image you shot~ loft was gorgeous! What a fun time away!!! Glad you are back!!!!!

  22. That would be a dream vacation, meeting with friends, and having the whole weekend be photography related! No one lives on the west coast. All the good stuff is in the middle or east. Boohoo!

  23. Thanks for sharing these pics with us Amanda, it looks like you had a fantastic time! I’m so happy you got to be a part of this! 🙂 Oh and congrats on your new camera!!!

  24. Shasta Johnson says:

    Ooooh, what fun! How did I miss that meet up on Clickin Moms? I’m in NC!! Count me in for the next one. So excited for you and your new camera!
    Wanted to do the Skin Tones class…will catch the next one. Thanks for all you do Amanda!

  25. The workshop looked like a ton of fun. It’s always great learning together in a group. Thanks for sharing! Congrats on the D700. Fun, isn’t it?!

  26. Thought it looked full frame – would love to know more about a SC retreat (although I’m a Georgia girl).


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by XShot, Amanda Padgett. Amanda Padgett said: Sharing pics of my photography retreat in Savannah. Best getaway w/end I've ever had!! […]

  2. […] can see a group shot of us in the behind-the-scenes posts from last year’s retreat. Chelsea, the make-up artist, applying make-up for a boudoir […]

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