The Mission A few weeks ago I told Facebook readers that I was ready to “cook up” another action and asked them what they would like to see. Several times a “matte finish” action was requested. So, I twiddled now and then and came up with something I was pleased with, and I thought long […]
InstaClean Action Tutorial
In April of last year (2012) I celebrated a milestone on Facebook by giving away a free cleaning action – InstaClean. I never had time to do a tutorial for it, so everyone just had to wing it, so here is the long overdue tutorial. (Thank you for your patience). First let me state – […]
Christmas Present – Free Denver Action
Happy Holidays!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I debated over what to give you for Christmas and decided on a new action – Denver. The action gives images a warm, hazy, light and airy look and I think you will enjoy it (at least I hope you will). A few FAQ about Denver: […]
How to Install Actions in PSE 11
Photoshop Elements 11 was released in late September with major changes to the layout of the full edit (not called “Expert”) mode. In addition to those changes, they added a new panel/palette – the Actions panel. After years of requests by users to make installing actions easier, Adobe listened and you can now add actions […]