How to Make a Vignette in Photoshop or PSE

I remember when I was first trying to learn Photoshop Elements and I wanted to make a vignette. I hunted high and low in Scott Kelby’s book, looked online, tried to follow various tutorials and was left just wanting to cry. I finally found a tutorial in Kelby’s book that was what I wanted (but […]

How to Blend Backgrounds in Photoshop Elements {and Photoshop}

Pin It I have been asked repeatedly over the past few months how to blend backgrounds, especially on newborn pictures and this tutorial is my best guess (well, my friend Sandy is the one who gave me the idea back in January, thank you Sandy!). The professional newborn photographers, like Keri Myers, who do such […]

Create a Sunny Glow in Photoshop Elements {and free action}

Over the on the Everyday Samples page I have several actions, some cleaning, some creative and a few finishing (wonder what the heck am I talking about, see my explanation of types of actions). One of the top favorites there used to be the Florida action, one that creates a bright, sunny effect for your […]