written by Beckie of beckiegkengle.com What is a gray card? You’ve probably heard this term before, but maybe didn’t have any idea on what it is or even how to use it. A gray card is a small, handy tool to aid in adjusting your white balance. They can be used two different ways. There […]
Correcting Color in Photoshop {and PSE}
I thought it might be fun to take a photo and work on one thing at a time, and have the tutorials build on each other, all using the same photo. I am starting out this “series” in Photoshop CS6 beta, but the steps can be done in Photoshop Elements also (or an alternate step […]
Syncing White Balance With Gray Card in Adobe Camera Raw
Special Announcements! Everyday Elements is going to be undergoing some “remodeling” later this week and certain pages may not be available at various times. By next week all should be well again, so just hang tight. Also, Everyday Basics 123, a brand new set of actions for beginners with PSE and/or Photoshop, will be […]
Custom White Balancing in Camera
Pin It Remember our talk about white balance last week? I discussed the WB presets that are in your camera, which you change to best suit your light. Another option is to “custom” white balance and that can be done one of two ways. Actually set a white balance for the light you have at […]
White Balance Camera Settings
Ever take a picture and it comes out looking orange, gray or blue? Well, the problem was with the white balance you used when taking the picture. White balance is often something people either don’t know to think about or forget to think about. Why is WB something you need to pay attention to when […]
Editing Raw Files With Adobe Camera Raw
Today we are going to tackle editing raw files with ACR. Both Photoshop Elements and Photshop CS# come with a plug-in called Adobe Camera Raw, which converts their raw files to a format (such as JPG, TIFF, or DNG) that can be edited in PSE and PS. This tutorial used Photoshop Elements 9, but all […]
Use Photo Filters to Warm or Cool Images in PSE
This is a great tutorial for those just getting started with Photoshop Elements and for those who haveĀ been using it a while and may have forgotten the quick/simple fixes. Today I am sharing about photo filter adjustment layer. It is a very useful adjustment that often gets overlooked, yet can be highly effective. Step […]
Tweak White Balance With Levels
Today I am going to share how to correct White Balance issues in your pictures with a Levels adjustment in Photoshop Elements (applies to regular PS also). I am not going to explain what White Balance is, that is a whole other post, and until I get to it, here is a great one by […]